MPU9250 from TDK is a three in one Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass sensor with an I 2 C interface. Mainline Linux kernel has the source code for it's driver which reads values from the sensor via I 2 C and exposes it via the filesystem using the Industrial I/O subsystem . Arch Linux ARM for Raspberry Pi does not come with the driver for this pre-compiled and enabled. Here is how to compile and enable the driver on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with MPU9250 connected to it's I2C interface and a USB-Serial widget to access console over serial Connections Buy the MPU9250 Widget from Amazon and hook it up to your Raspberry Pi as per the table RPi3 (2.54mm) MPU9250 Module (2.54mm) 3.3V PWR Pin 1 VCC GND Pin 9 GND I2C1_SCL GPIO 3 Pin 5 SCL I2C1_SDA GPIO 2 Pin 3 SDA GPIO4 Pin 7 INT Preparations Prepare and boot Arch Linux ARM from SD Card: instructions are here . Connect the Raspberry Pi to your home network using an ethernet cable. Look up the DHCP assigned IP addre...