There was an engineer. He had been partying all weekend with his peeps at NH7 weekender 2013, Pune. He loved every moment of it. Specially when on the last day the performers urged the crowd to shout "Fuck that shit" in unison. It was thrilling. He shook his neck with the crowd with every chant, the last of which caused his head to come real close to the mouth of a girl making her way to the front. "Excuse me" she said. Her words missed in the loudness, but a few fragments of virii from her breathe made way into his mouth as he breathed in for the next chant. Its Monday, he is at his office in Pune and suffering from viral infection. The agony induced by illness decreased his attention level at work. He was working on the layout of an ASIC for a baseband processor. A sneeze and an involuntary contraction later, a channel was offset by 5 nm from its intended location. The chip turned out OK. All tests were passed. Except that a series of cascade events (80.67 deg ...