I am a TeachForIndia fellow now and have been teaching at a low income school in Pune. The school is named Kilbil Public Schoo l (kilbil is Marathi for "chattering") and I teach Maths and Geography to 3 classes of 7th Graders. We are a team of 3 TFI Fellows, the other two teach English, Science and History/Civics. We have a facebook page here . The first thing I did is to ask all of my close friend to contribute money to help me buy a digital projector. The idea was that if we are to use Inquiry-based learning for Geography, History/Civics and Science, we would need to hook the students attention by showing them images and youtube videos. So here's what I got for my setup: Hardware: BenQ MS521p DLP Projector with HDMI Input and Analog Stereo output. This cost Rs. 30,000 from Flipkart . My friends contributed hard cash (and Flipkart vouchers - which cannot be bought using international credit cards) for this. Recently I have ordered another projector, so now the ...